Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations, IAS 7, “Statement of Cash Flows”


The cash flow statement is one of the primary statements in financial reporting. It presents the generation and use of ‘cash and cash equivalents’ by category (operating, investing and finance) over a specific period of time. It provides users with a basis to assess the entity’s ability to generate and utilize its cash.
Operating activities are the entity’s revenue-producing activities. Investing activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets (including business combinations) and investments that are not cash equivalents. Financing activities are changes in equity and borrowings.
Management may present operating cash flows by using either the direct method (gross cash receipts/payments) or the indirect method (adjusting net profit or loss for non-operating and non-cash transactions, and for changes in working capital).
Cash flows from investing and financing activities are reported separately gross (that is, gross cash receipts and gross cash payments) unless they meet certain specified criteria.
The cash flows arising from dividends and interest receipts and payments are classified on a consistent basis and are separately disclosed under the activity appropriate to their nature. Cash flows relating to taxation on income are classified and separately disclosed under operating activities unless they can be specifically attributed to investing or financing activities.

The total that summarizes the effect of the operating, investing and financing cash flows is the movement in the balance of cash and cash equivalents for the period.
Separate disclosure is made of significant non-cash transactions, for example, the issue of equity for the acquisition of a subsidiary or the acquisition of an asset through a finance lease. Non-cash transactions include impairment losses/ reversals, depreciation, amortization, fair value gains/losses, and income statement charges for provisions.
Support for IAS 7 in AX 2012 R3
In Microsoft Dynamics AX, Management Reporter provides predefined Cash flow report templates based on main account category. The predefined cash flow statement contains each of the sections described for IAS 7. If necessary, the predefined cash flow statement can be updated. The cash flows of a foreign subsidiary can be translated by using exchange rates and can be viewed in any of the currencies based on the rates defined for the cash flow accounts in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Sunbridge is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner


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